I Was Wrong About Bitcoin

I Was Wrong About Bitcoin

Written By Vladimir Fomene

Note: Following Btrust's aquisition of Qala on Sept 5, 2023, Qala is now known as Btrust Builders.

How I got interested in Bitcoin?


Welcome to my medium, I’m Vladimir Fomene, a Bitcoin/Lightning developer in training at Qala Africa (now known as Btrust Builders).

This is going to be one of many posts from me as I share my learning about Bitcoin and Lightning.

Today, I’m going to tell you why I didn’t initially adopt Bitcoin even though I heard about it since 2014.Then, we will talk about events that led to changing my mind and finally why I decided to adopt it. These opinions are just my thoughts about Bitcoin after spending sometime researching it, it is not investment advice...

Vladimir shares more on his interesting journey here; click here to enjoy: https://vladimirfomene.medium.com/i-was-wrong-about-bitcoin-65920ca3c84

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